Sunday, August 17, 2014

Compassion for humanity is the need of the hour.

These days, every time I open facebook I see a lot of hatred towards Israel most of it is from my Muslim brethren on facebook. I can certainly understand their feeling if it is about the loss of innocent lives, but it more about loss of innocent lives of Muslims. I dont see them condemning the acts of violence of the Boko haram terrorists or the Jihadis in Iraq. Innocents are innocents everywhere, be it the people in Gaza or in Israel or the Nigerian girls who got kidnapped by Boko haram or the Yazidi religious minority who are being forced out of their homelands and mascaraed by the Jihadis or the poor Muslim and Hindu brothers and sisters who lost their lives or those of loved ones in the  Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar and Vadodara riots... or the Tamils and Sinhalese who lost their lives in the three decade long civil war in Sri Lanka. Compassion should  not be based on religious affiliation but based on Humanity. My great granddad, a high school English teacher, was one of the survivors of the bloody Mapla lahala in Angadipuram. During the Mapala lahala hundreds of Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam or killed and or looted. My great granddad fled to Kozhikode from Angadipuram overnight, thanks to the tip off and assistance from a kindhearted and truly courageous Muslim student of his. Taking sides is easy, each side has justice to ask for and justifications to offer... It is compassion to Humanity that matters ultimately. This is why we respect people like Oskar Schindler and Nelson Mandela... they cared for humanity more than they did for any particular side of humanity.

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